The impact of the new Republican administration continues to be felt strongly in employment and labor law. In a newly issued ruling (early December) involving a Boeing Corporation “no camera”... read more →
Employee handbooks are important to employers of all sizes. Why? They introduce employees to a business’ culture, mission, and values They help employees understand what is expected of them They... read more →
If you are an employer, a well written, carefully prepared employee handbook is a must. It establishes your legal rights as well as helps protect those rights. It explains how... read more →
One piece of advice we give every employer – get yourself a well written and comprehensive employee handbook. Why – because a good handbook lays out the rules of your... read more →
If you employ any number of people, you’ve probably seen it. A once steady employee starts showing erratic behavior, uneven performance, chronic tardiness and unexplained absences or there may be... read more →