Even as many states reopen their local economies, many employers are continuing to allow employees to work remotely. Remote work by employees who are non-exempt (workers who are entitled to... read more →
As job opportunities continue to expand in manufacturing, many Connecticut employers are asking where they’ll find the skilled workers they’ll need going forward. It’s an excellent question. It’s also one... read more →
Franchises and small contractors are often small, cash-starved enterprises, making it difficult for disgruntled employees to recover their losses in wage disputes. This fact led to an Obama era labor... read more →
In January 2020, a new federal overtime rule may take effect, and if it does, it would change who qualifies as an employee exempt from the payment of overtime. Under... read more →
It’s common for Connecticut employers to bring on interns during summer months. Did you know there are U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) regulations under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) designed... read more →
In late 2016, President Obama called for changes in the nation’s overtime rules that more than doubled the minimum salary at which white collar workers could qualify for an overtime... read more →
Since his inauguration, President Trump has signed executive orders directing federal agencies to repeal two federal regulations for every new rule they issue, and requiring each agency head to designate a regulatory... read more →