A hot political topic here in Connecticut and around the country is the minimum wage and whether it should be raised. After 14 hours of contentious debate in the Connecticut... read more →
All Connecticut employers are reporting challenges in finding employees to fill open positions. This fact is particularly true for so-called blue collar workers. Just what is a blue collar worker?... read more →
In the last several years, there’s been an increasing trend among employers in Connecticut and elsewhere to require low wage workers to sign non-competes. These agreements limit the ability of... read more →
Franchises and small contractors are often small, cash-starved enterprises, making it difficult for disgruntled employees to recover their losses in wage disputes. This fact led to an Obama era labor... read more →
Time for an update on the progress of family and medical leave bills pending in the Connecticut legislature. Last week – two bills meant to extend paid family and medical... read more →
Relatively low unemployment rates are a blessing and a challenge. For Connecticut employers, low unemployment rates make it increasingly difficult to find suitable candidates to fill critical positions. Sometimes hot... read more →
In January 2020, a new federal overtime rule may take effect, and if it does, it would change who qualifies as an employee exempt from the payment of overtime. Under... read more →
There are some new developments in the Connecticut state legislature. Bills with potential impacts for Connecticut employers have just passed out of the Labor and Public Employees Committee for possible... read more →
According to a number of workforce experts – Connecticut has a troubling shortage of candidates for manufacturing jobs in the state. By some accounts, the shortfall is close to 10,000.... read more →
With a new Governor installed and a new legislature in session, many Connecticut employers are asking what to expect next. While it’s still very early in the cycle, at least... read more →