A bill working its way through Congress seeks to allow private employers the right to offer employees the choice of overtime pay or time off for working extra hours. Currently,... read more →
Towards the end of President Obama’s administration, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) passed a rule extending the agency’s authority to cite companies for record-keeping violations from six months... read more →
Since his inauguration, President Trump has signed executive orders directing federal agencies to repeal two federal regulations for every new rule they issue, and requiring each agency head to designate a regulatory... read more →
Most non-unionized companies operate as at-will employers, meaning either the employer or the employee may end the employment relationship with no notice or reason. However, employers with unionized workforces have... read more →
On March 1st, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to block the extension of an Occupation Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rule that would have held employers liable for record-keeping... read more →
A common question employers ask about workers comp cases is “can an employer count an employee's time out on workers' compensation as family and medical leave as long as the employee... read more →
The Connecticut Fair Employment Practices Act (CFEPA) is the state’s primary employment discrimination statute. For some time now, employers have been unclear as to whether punitive damages could be awarded... read more →
Kainen, Escalera & McHale, P.C. is a Connecticut law firm that focuses on private and public sector labor and employment law and litigation issues and education-related matters on behalf of... read more →
Some of the most recent demographic studies of Connecticut and U.S. workers show a growing pool of qualified but disabled job applicants. Why the rise in disabilities? There are really... read more →
If you own or run a business, it’s imperative that you understand both federal and state guidelines regarding equal opportunity employment practices. Here is a brief overview of the basics:... read more →