For some time now, there has been a debate as to whether home care works are entitled to minimum wage and overtime protections under the Fair Labor Standards Act or... read more →
Did you know that government agencies are cracking down on the use of interns and volunteers in "for-profit" organizations and attorneys for employees are bringing more and more claims against... read more →
Under Connecticut law, marijuana may be legally used to treat a wide range of medical conditions including the following: Cachexia Cancer Crohn's disease Epilepsy Glaucoma HIV or AIDS Intractable spasticity... read more →
If you employ people in your business, you have rules and policies that apply to your workplace and staff. Did you know there are very specific guidelines you must follow... read more →
This employment law question is one that has been debated in employment, education and legal circles for some time. For years, the Department of Labor decided the question using something... read more →
With family life increasingly complicated, it’s become common for employers to allow salaried employees to work flexible or flex-time schedules. This arrangement allows employees with children or aging parents to... read more →
The Connecticut General Assembly has recently made changes to laws governing employee compensation. In this latest Bill (Senate Bill 914), the legislature mandates double damage awards in all instances where... read more →