During the middle of the 1990s, drug companies began aggressively marketing a new class of painkilling drugs. The drugs appeared to work better than earlier drugs in this class and... read more →
One of the greatest challenges of owning or running a business is managing a workforce. Doing it well requires skill as well as a good understanding of federal and state... read more →
The U.S. Equal Opportunity Employment Commission recently sought to address potential backlash against Muslims in the workplace – after the terror attacks in Paris and California. In fact, Commission Chairwoman... read more →
A number of factors are driving up the number of older Americans still in the workforce – factors that include financial pressures and the sheer desire to remain active later... read more →
Connecticut made news in 2014 when it became the first state in the nation to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour in three annual steps. The second of... read more →
There is no question about it – the holidays are a great time of the year. They can, however, present challenges for employers. Here are a number of things all... read more →
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee based on a person's... read more →
If you own a private business in Connecticut and have employees, a recent Connecticut Supreme Court’s decision (Trusz v. UBS Realty Investors, LLC.) is a game changer. In this much... read more →
According to a recent report issued by The Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO) -- the state agency charged with investigation of employee complaints about unlawful discrimination and... read more →
One piece of advice we give every employer – get yourself a well written and comprehensive employee handbook. Why – because a good handbook lays out the rules of your... read more →